Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Abuba Cipete

Ever hear the words Abuba? Yes, this is the place to eat steak in the Jakarta area. Abuba Steak - Steak House Typical Indonesia

This place is famous for its steak cheap and tasty. Price is relative here. but this place is very Good Value For Money.
You can try the meat from the Local, New Zealand, the U.S., until Wagyu. Each different meat taste and keempukkannya.
If you want to try to eat beef here, make sure you select at least in New Zealand. Why? because the Local is very hard. It is the cheapest local. But this could reduce your satisfaction in enjoying Steak.

In Abuba Steak, they also offer Wagyu beef. Meat is one of the world's most expensive meat. Some places that offer this meat will be sold at a price that is relatively expensive. Minimum 500k per serving. But in Abuba, they offer a cheap price of Rp 150.000 per serving. And the softness of flesh ... Steady. For this, you should try it at least once in your life.

Especially interesting? There is a secret when you order steak at a Steak House. Always the message your meat cooked medium. Under these conditions, the meat will provide the flavor and the most delicious juice from a piece of meat.

Steak Abuba available in some places like Cipete, Pluit, Serpong, Kelapa Gading, Gajah Mada. Good luck and write your comments about them here in order to share with others. (Tdwclub)

See also: sate, burger king

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