Kamis, 11 November 2010

Benefit of Ice cream

Ice cream taste what you most like? Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, durian, pineapple, banana or mixed? Ice cream, just imagine a million of its name pleasures. Every child would love the pleasure of Ice cream.

Even the kids whine with a vengeance when I want to buy Ice cream. But many parents who forbid their children eat Ice cream just because it was cold or scared her too fat.

Ice cream makes you think your cold is getting worse? Or you avoid Ice cream for fear of getting fat? Well, then you lose all. Read this article until they run out, because Ice cream is very good for your health

Origin Ice cream
Ice cream is known since Roman times, namely in 400 years BC. Ice cream commercial production started in the 18th century, following the discovery engine freezer in 1846. The first Ice cream factory was built in Baltimore, USA, in 1851.

Ice cream can be regarded as the most popular types of cuisine in the world. In 2003, world production of Ice cream reached more than one billion liters and is consumed by billions of consumers per year.

According to the Indonesian National Standard, Ice cream is a kind of semi-solid food prepared by freezing of Ice cream or a mixture of flour milk, animal fat or vegetable, sugar, and with or without other food allowed. In the market, Ice cream listed on the category of economy, good average and deluxe.

The main difference of the three kinds of Ice cream lies in the fat content of milk. Currently the market is also known as low-fat Ice cream, Ice cream is a reduced fat content per serving size. Reduction is done generally by 25 to 50% of normal. Thus, the fat content in low fat Ice cream is only about 2-6%.

Benefits of Ice cream
1. The content of calcium in Ice cream is useful for maintaining bone density, preventing osteoporosis, cancer, and hypertension.

2. Highly nutritious and not fattening
Ice cream does contain fat, especially saturated fat. That caused many people avoid for fear of being fat Ice cream. In fact, the energy contribution of Ice cream per serving (one cup) is only about 10% of the total energy needs and the contribution of fat around 15% of the total fat per day. This amount is small, so that less fit when ice cream was accused as a ringleader of the causes of overweight or obese.

3. No Cause Colds
Ice cream is not the cause of cough and cold. Because, when it entered the mouth, Ice cream will melt immediately. Ice cream melting rapidly driven by the influence of body temperature, so when the Ice cream into the esophagus temperature is not as cold as Ice water.

4. Antitumor and HIV
25% -30% Ice cream is a milk content. Milk is composed of lactoferrin, which has a role as a substance of non-specific defenses against pathogens. Antiviral activity of lactoferrin has also, especially against cytomegalovirus, influenza, and HIV.

Sweet, delicious, highly nutritious as well. Are you still hesitant to eat Ice cream? Do not forget to serve Ice cream as a healthy snack you. (Untukku.com - benih.net.com)

See also:
Dim Sum

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