Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Makanan Beku dari Dairy

Ice cream atau es krim adalah sebuah makanan beku dibuat dari produk dairy seperti krim (atau sejenisnya), digabungkan dengan perasa dan pemanis. Campuran ini didinginkan dengan mengaduk sambil mengurangi suhunya untuk mencegah pembentukan kristal es besar. Tradisionalnya, suhu dikurangi dengan menaruh campuran es krim ke sebuah wadah dimasukkan ke dalam campuran es pecah dan garam. Garam membuat air cair dapat berada di bawah titik beku air murni, membuat wadah tersebut mendapat sentuhan merata dengan air dan es tersebut.

Meskipun istilah es krim sering digunakan untuk menunjuk ke "dessert" beku dan makanan ringan, tapi sebenarnya digunakan unuk menunjuk ke "dessert" beku dan makanan ringan yang terdiri dari lemak susu. Banyak negara, termasuk Amerika Serikat, membatasi penggunaan istilah tersebut berdasarkan kuantitas dari bahan dasar makanan tersebut.

Es krim modern komersial terbuat dari campuran bahan di bawah ini:

* 10-16% lemak susu
* 9-12% milk solids-not-fat: komponen ini, juga dikenal dengan serum solids, mengandung protein (casein dan whey protein) dan karbohidrat (laktosa) ditemukan dalam susu
* 12-16% pemanis: biasany kombinasi dari sukrosa dan/atau pemanis sirup corn berdasarkan-glukosa
* 0.2-0.5% stabilizer dan emulsifiers e.g., agar atau carrageenan diambili dari rumput laut
* 55%-64% air yang berasal dari susu padat atau bahan lainnya (wikipedia)

Lihat juga :

A Complete Ice Cream Social Delivered to Your Door

What’s better than Ice cream ? Ice cream delivered to your door.

And what’s better than ice cream delivered to your door? A complete ice cream social delivered to your door.

Dandy Don’s sent me their newest creation: an ice cream social for 25 people shipped directly to you. The ice cream social in a box includes 25 individual scoops of ice cream in separate containers, 9 toppings (including hot fudge and caramel), spoons, napkins, tablecloths, and soda jerk hats. There isn’t anything else that you would need for an ice cream social — except for people to eat the ice cream and perhaps some whipped cream.

I particularly liked that they included two containers of m&m’s and crumbled Oreos since most people enjoy those toppings. One of my favorite touches was the crushed sugar cones as a topping. I normally don’t eat crushed sugar cones on my ice cream but now I might start.

Another pleasant surprise was the amount of ice cream in the containers — there was A LOT of it. (Plus enough space was left in the containers to add toppings.) If you’re serving this for kids you’d almost want to cut each scoop of ice cream in half because the scoops were so large.

Lastly, the ice cream itself was very good. My favorite flavor was the cappuccino crunch, followed by vanilla, and then chocolate.

If you’re looking for an easy to assemble party this is a good bet. The price is a little steep, but if you compare it to buying and assembling all of the ingredients and supplies individually or to hiring Ben and Jerry’s to cater your party, it’s not too bad of a deal.

Source : ice cream maker review - adailyscoop

See also :
Dim Sum

Ice Cream Maker Freeze

An Ice cream maker must freeze the mixture, and must simultaneously stir or churn it to prevent the formation of ice crystals and aerate it to produce smooth and creamy ice cream. Most ice creams are ready to eat immediately, but some, especially those containing alcohol, must be chilled further in a freezer to attain a sufficiently firm consistency.

Some machines, such as certain low-priced counter-top models, require that the resulting mixture be frozen an extra four hours or more (or overnight), depending on the recipe, in order for the ice cream to harden to a desired consistency.

Electric machines

There are three types of electric ice cream machines. Each has an electric motor which drives either the bowl or the paddle to stir the mixture. The major difference between the three is in how the cooling is performed.

Counter-top machines use a double-walled bowl which contains between the two walls a solution that freezes below the freezing point of water. This is frozen in a domestic freezer for up to 24 hours before the machine is needed. Once frozen, the bowl is put into the machine, the mixture is added and the machine is switched on. The paddles rotate, stirring the mixture as it gradually freezes through contact with the frozen bowl. Twenty to thirty minutes later, the solution between the double walls of the bowl has thawed, and the ice cream has frozen. The advantage of this type of electric machine is low cost, typically under $100. The disadvantage of the pre-frozen bowl approach is that only one batch can be made at a time. To make another batch, the bowl must be frozen again. For this reason, it is usually possible to buy extra bowls for the machine, but of course these take up a lot of freezer space.
An ice cream maker that has to be placed inside the freezer.

Small freezer-unit machines sit inside the freezer (or the freezer part of the refrigerator), and operate similar to a food processor in slow-motion. The paddles turn every few seconds to stir the mixture enough to prevent large ice crystals from forming. When the ice cream has frozen sufficiently, the paddles automatically stop rotating and lift up. As the mixture is cooled simply through being in the freezer, it takes longer to freeze than other types of ice cream makers, which work by placing the ice cream bowl in direct contact with the cooling element. A disadvantage is that the freezer door has to be closed over the flat cord, which is plugged into the nearest power point outside, though some modern refrigerators have a built-in ice-cream maker as an accessory or a specialized electrical plug for use with certain freezer-unit machines. The advantage of this type of ice cream maker is that no pre-freezing of the appliance is necessary. However, some people feel that this type of machine produces a lower-quality ice cream because of its slow-motion method. It's also possible to get cordless, battery-operated ice-cream makers which can be placed directly in the freezer, though these tend to require expensive non-rechargeable potassium batteries (most rechargeable batteries or regular alkaline cells perform very poorly at low temperature).
A table top Gelato machine or Italian ice cream maker with its own built-in freezing system.

More expensive, and much larger, machines have a freezing mechanism built in and do not require a bowl to be pre-chilled. The cooling system is switched on, and in a few minutes the mixture can be poured in and the paddle switched on. As with coolant-bowl machines, ice cream is ready in twenty to thirty minutes, depending on the quantity made. These machines can be used immediately with no preparation, and any number of batches of ice cream can be made without a delay between batches. Some of these machines cannot be moved without waiting twelve hours before use, as moving the unit upsets the coolant in its freezing system; they would normally be kept permanently positioned ready for use, impractical in a smaller kitchen. (en.wikipedia)

See also :
Dim Sum

Blackberry's Application for Sour Sally

Still in the series of events "Sour Sally Just Want to Have Fun" which carried the theme Lifestyle more, then Sour Sally is proud to also introduce the BlackBerry application is supported by the Better-B official RIM Partner

BlackBerry nowadays has become a lifestyle icon and has his own position in life lifestyle in Indonesia. Even that is a Smartphone BlackBerry device has been inseparable from the lives of its users.
"BlackBerry taste again inseparable from everyday users, so that's Sour Sally who also want to attach to and become a part of his fans wanted to take part in this community. Applications that present in the BlackBerry would also be easier Sour Sally's loyal fans to know the latest information from Sour Sally Fro-Yo "Reveal Donny Pramod Ie.

The series of events "Sour Sally Just Want to Have Fun" will be held on February 5, 2010 in Grand Indonesia Shopping Town. In this event there will be a special performance from Abdul and The Coffee Theory and Audy. Guided by Addry Danuatmadja make this event becomes more special. Not to mention the guests invited as friends of the ambassadors who will attend and participate enliven the event.

"I am very happy to hold a relatively large event like this, of course all of this I dedicate to all the loyal fans Sour Sally, which until now continue to support the Sour Sally and of course I'm sure will continue to support Sour Sally to the future" Add Donny Pramod. ( danny - Global news Indonesia)

See also: ice cream

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Soto, made from meat and vegetable broth

Soto, sroto, or coto is typical Indonesian food made from meat and vegetable broth. The most common meat used is beef and chicken, but also pigs and goats. Various regions in Indonesia has its own type of soup, with different content, such as Kediri Soto soto Madura, soto Betawi, Soto Padang, soto Bandung, Sokaraja soto, soto Banjar, soto Medan, coto Makassar. Soto was also named after its contents, such as chicken soup, tripe soup, goat soup. Soto has many similarities with the soup.

Because there are several kinds of soup in Indonesia, each has a way of presenting different. Soto could be served with various toppings, such as crackers, meatball, melinjo chips, chili sauce, peanut sauce, and others. And also it is with other additives such as satay pindang eggs, satay shells, lime, Koya (mixed stack of chips with garlic), etc.. As we know that the Indonesian staple food is rice, so the soup is usually served with rice as the main menu. However, there are differences in terms of rice is the main menu. Most soup with rice served separately, such as Soto Betawi, Soto Padang, and others. However, there is also served with rice or soup mixed with rice, for example Holy Soto. In addition, there are also soup served with rice cake or rice are cooked wrapped in banana leaves, for example Coto Makassar. Then, there is also the use of noodles, not rice as the main menu, for example Soto Mie Bogor. (wikipedia)

See also : wine


sate kelinci telaga sarangan

Berkunjung ke kawasan wisata Telaga Sarangan yang terletak di lereng Gunung Lawu, Kelurahan Sarangan, Kecamatan Plaosan, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur, tidak lengkap jika tidak mencicipi kuliner khasnya, yakni sate kelinci.
Tidak sulit mencari dimana pengunjung dapat menemukan hidangan khas ini. Karena hampir di sekeliling Telaga Sarangan terdapat warung-warung tenda maupun pedagang kaki lima yang menjajakan sate kelinci.

Data dari Dinas Pariwisata Magetan mencatat, terdapat sedikitnya 140 pedagang sate kelinci yang berjualan di sekitar kawasan Telaga Sarangan. Mereka tergabung dalam paguyuban pedagang sate kelinci Telaga Sarangan.

Hampir sama dengan hidangan sate pada umumnya, hanya saja pada sate kelinci memiliki tekstur daging yang berserat halus dan warna sedikit pucat. Sehingga rasanya lebih lembut dan gurih saat dikunyah. Tidak seperti halnya sate daging ayam ataupun kambing.
Salah satu anggota paguyuban pedagang sate kelinci Telaga Sarangan, Sukatno, mengatakan, untuk dikonsumsi menjadi hidangan sate kelinci yang mantap, biasanya daging kelinci diambil dari kelinci yang berumur antara empat hingga enam bulan.

"Dipilihnya umur tersebut, karena rasa daging yang dihasilkannya akan empuk dan gurih," ujar Sukatno sambil mengipasi sate kelincinya.

Dalam penyajiannya, sate kelinci tak ubahnya sate lainnya. Bumbunya pun sama yaitu terdiri atas bumbu kacang dihaluskan bercampur irisan bawang merah dan kecap manis. Bagi yang suka pedas bisa ditambahkan sambal pada bumbu satenya. Demikian juga untuk sensasi rasa segar, pada bumbu sate bisa ditambahkan dengan air perasan irisan jeruk nipis.
Ada dua pilihan dalam menyajikan satu porsi sate kelinci, yakni menikmati sate dengan irisan lontong yang lembut atau nasi putih yang pulen. Hidangan ini akan terasa lebih nikmat lagi saat menyantapnya sambil menikmati pemandangan Telaga Sarangan nan elok.

Satu porsi sate kelinci Telaga Sarangan ini terdiri dari 15 tusuk sate dan satu piring lontong ataupun nasi putih. Satu porsinya dihargai Rp10.000,00. Atau untuk 10 tusuknya hanya merogoh kocek Rp7.000,00 saja.
Sukatno menambahkan, satu kelinci muda, rata-rata dapat menghasilkan 60 hingga 90 tusuk sate, tergantung dari ukuran kelinci. Rata-rata untuk hari libur seperti hari Minggu, pedagang sate kelinci bisa menjual hingga 250 tusuk, sedangkan pada liburan keagamaan ataupun akhir tahun bisa meningkat hingga 900 tusuk sate.

Sukatno mengaku, kelinci-kelinci tersebut ia peroleh dari pedagang pengepul yang sudah mejadi langganannya. Ia menggeluti pekerjaan berjualan sate kelinci ini sudah sejak tahun 1983.

"Setiap berkunjung ke Telaga Sarangan, saya selalu membeli makanan kesukaan saya yakni sate kelinci. Menurut saya, daging sate kelinci di Telaga Sarangan lebih empuk dan gurih. Selain itu harganya juga pas," kata salah satu pengunjung Telaga Sarangan dari Madiun, Ashari Purwo.

Menurutnya, sate kelinci Telaga Sarangan akan lebih "mak nyus" jika disandingkan dengan minuman teh tubruk hangat. Pasangan ini sangat pas untuk menikmati sejuknya udara di lereng Gunung Lawu ini.(antara - jawa timur)

Lihat juga : sushi


Ice Cream Maker

A domestic ice cream maker or ice cream freezer is a machine used to make small quantities of ice cream at home. Ice cream makers may stir the mixture by hand-cranking or with an electric motor, and may chill the ice cream by using a freezing mixture, by pre-cooling the machine in a freezer, or by the machine itself refrigerating the mixture.

An ice cream maker must freeze the mixture, and must simultaneously stir or churn it to prevent the formation of ice crystals and aerate it to produce smooth and creamy ice cream. Most ice creams are ready to eat immediately, but some, especially those containing alcohol, must be chilled further in a freezer to attain a sufficiently firm consistency.

Some machines, such as certain low-priced counter-top models, require that the resulting mixture be frozen an extra four hours or more (or overnight), depending on the recipe, in order for the ice cream to harden to a desired consistency. (en.wikipedia)

See also : hanamasa


Makanan Pencuci Mulut dari Wine

Dalam mode bajingan muda khas Australia, kebiasaan menugaskan nama panggilan ke teman disukai telah diperpanjang ini sayang anggur / wine yang dikenal sebagai "Stickies": referensi yang menangkap lezat "lengket" tekstur anggur ini yang slide seperti madu meler atas langit-langit .

Mayoritas "Stickies" di Australia yang dibuat menggunakan teknik tradisional lain yang mengambil keuntungan dari jamur alami, botrytis cinerea. Biasa disebut "busuk mulia", botrytis menyerang anggur secara bertahap menarik kelembaban dari berry, mengintensifkan konsentrasi gula, keasaman dan aroma buah. Wilayah Riverina New South Wales, di mana musim gugur lembab hangat mendorong pengembangan busuk mulia, sangat terkenal karena anggur ini.

"Stickies" adalah sangat rasa anggur putih, emas jauh di dalam warna dengan karangan aprikot kering, rasa manis yang kaya dan sentuhan asam tajam. intensitas mereka rasa berarti mereka sering dijual dalam botol setengah dan diminum untuk menemani atau bahkan menggantikan makanan penutup.

Ini anggur manis botryised berisi keseimbangan, halus asam yang menciptakan iringan sensasional untuk makanan penutup buah. Mereka juga iringan sempurna untuk keju biru atau lunak (wineaustralia).

Lihat juga: sate


Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Bumbu Rahasia Soto

Meski soto sudah jadi makanan yang umum, namun sejumlah penjual soto mengungkapkan bahwa soto yang khas biasanya memiliki bumbu rahasia yang turun temurun. Salah satu contoh seperti yang diceritakan oleh Naniek. Di awal tahun 1990-an, ibu empat anak ini pernah menjual soto Madura. Namun, temyata soto buatannya itu tidak seenak soto Madura yang dijual oleh penjual soto di dekat rumahnya.

Menurut Naniek, hal itu dikarenakan adanya resep bumbu rahasia yang sudah turun temurun, yang dimiliki oleh penjual soto. "Rasa soto yang saya buat hanya mirip-mirip saja rasanya. Namun tidak begitu enak karena masih kurang terasa gurih dan segar. Saat diberi perasan Jeruk malah Jadi asem," kata Naniek.Menyoal bumbu rahasia turun menurun ini memang belum pernah ada yang bisa memberikan kepastian kisahnya.

Hal itu hanya selalu diungkapkan oleh penjual soto ketika ada orang yang bertanya tentang bumbu soto apa yang digunakan supaya rasanya gurih dan segar.jika ada pertanyaan soal bumbu, jawaban yang biasa diberikan adalah kuah menggunakan kari dari rendaman tulang, kulit, dan ceker kulit ayam. Ada Juga yang menyebut kunyit dan laos tidak banyak, tetapi menggunakan kari dari tulang dan sumsum sapi."Masalahnya ya itu mas, rahasia. Kami ya biasa menggunakan dan Itu sudah dari dulu orangtua yang bikin soto. Makanya sulit juga diceritakan. Tapi, ya secara umum pasti kuah dlpakeln kari dari rendaman tulang ayam atau sapi," kata Husein, penjual soto Madura (bataviase)

Lihat juga : ice cream


Produk dan Orang BK


* Sebagai restoran fast food hamburger (FFHR) rantai, Burger King memproduksi, hamburger, cheeseburger serta, Fries Salad, Hash cokelat, cincin Bawang, Kopi, Juice, Getar, cookies dan pai.

* Burger King menempatkan dirinya terpisah dari kompetisi dengan "terserah Anda" tema yang memungkinkan setiap individualize pesanan dengan banyak pilihan termasuk kentang goreng atau cincin bawang, keju, bacon, mustard, saus tomat, mayones, selada, tomat, acar, dan bawang.

* Tidak bangsa 2 burger rantai akan menambahkan Starbucks Corp 's Seattle's Best Coffee untuk semua restoran di AS dalam sebuah bertahap roll-out yang dimulai pada musim panas 2010. Dalam usaha, lebih dari 7.000 Restoran Burger King akan mulai menjual kopi bersama dengan varietas es yang juga datang dengan pilihan polos, vanili atau rasa mocha dan topping kocok.

* Burger King telah menandatangani kesepakatan lisensi dengan ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston yang akan menghasilkan menawarkan garis ritel microwave kentang goreng Burger King Merek Perancis di pengecer pilih di Amerika Serikat, termasuk Wal-Mart.


* John W. Chisley adalah Kibgs Burger Chieg Pejabat Eksekutif dan Ketua Eksekutif Dewan itu. Ia telah menjabat dalam kapasitas CEO sejak tahun 2008.

* Alexandra Galindez direktur pemasaran multikultural untuk Burger King dan bertugas melaksanakan nya "Best Next Pindah" inisiatif, yang bertujuan untuk memperkuat posisi di masyarakat perkotaan dengan melakukan tur nasional untuk lapangan basket masyarakat di 41 pasar.

* Pada tahun 2009 majalah Enterprise Black bernama Burger King salah satu dari "40 Perusahaan Terbaik untuk Diversity."

* Burger King pasangan nya "terserah Anda" tema dengan layanan pelanggan speedy. Untuk memudahkan pelayanan yang cepat Burger King mengambil pesanan pelanggan secara terus menerus. Setelah pesanan diambil, pelanggan kemudian bergerak ke bawah garis dimana karyawan lain sedang menyiapkan pesanan. Sementara itu, karyawan asli mengambil pesanan lain pelanggan. Pelanggan juga mendapatkan minuman mereka sendiri ketika mereka sedang menunggu untuk makan mereka. (marketing teacher)

Lihat Juga: sate


BB Application untuk Sour Sally

Masih dalam rangkaian acara “Sour Sally Just Wanna Have fun” dimana tema Lifestyle lebih diusung, maka Sour Sally dengan bangga juga memperkenalkan BlackBerry application yang didukung oleh Better-B official RIM Partner

BlackBerry dewasa ini sudah menjadi icon lifestyle dan memiliki posisinya sendiri dalam kehidupan lifestyle di Indonesia. Bahkan perangkat BlackBerry yang merupakan Smartphone ini sudah tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan para penggunanya.

“BlackBerry rasanya tak terpisahkan lagi dari keseharian para penggunanya, oleh karena itulah Sour Sally yang juga ingin melekat dan menjadi bagian dari keseharian para penggemarnya ingin ikut ambil bagian dalam komunitas ini. Aplikasi yang hadir di BlackBerry pasti juga akan memudahkan para penggemar setia Sour Sally untuk mengetahui informasi terbaru dari Sour Sally Fro-Yo” Ungkap Donny Pramono Ie.

Rangkaian acara “Sour Sally Just Wanna Have Fun” ini akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 5 Februari 2010 di Grand Indonesia Shopping Town. Dalam acara ini akan ada penampilan spesial dari Abdul and The Coffee Theory dan Audy. Dipandu oleh Addry Danuatmadja membuat acara ini menjadi semakin spesial. Belum lagi para tamu undangan seperti para duta besar sahabat yang akan hadir dan ikut meramaikan acara ini.

“Saya sangat senang bisa menyelenggarakan event yang tergolong besar seperti ini, tentunya semua ini saya persembahkan untuk seluruh penggemar setia Sour Sally yang hingga kini tetap mendukung Sour Sally dan pastinya saya yakin juga akan terus mendukung Sour Sally hingga ke depannya” Tambah Donny Pramono.(danny - global news indonesia)

Lihat juga : sate


I'm Sour Sally Vampire

Pengen Sour Sally!!

Aaarrrgghh dengan suasana Ciputat yang terik panas dan mencekam. Gue butuh ini, seperti layaknya disaat dingin orang perokok membutuhkan rokoknya. Padahal selasa kemaren gue baru aja makan frozen yogurt, tapi J.cool.
Sekarang gue sangat butuh sour sally :(
I'm sour sally vampire
Aaaarrrww !! (alivealive)

Let's Drink Wine

Wine is the alcoholic beverage made from the juice grape Vitis vinifera species which usually grows only in areas 30 and 50 degrees latitude north and south. Alcoholic beverages made from other fruit juice content of alcohol ranged between 8% to 15% is usually referred to as fruit wine (fruit wine).

Wine made by fermentation of sugar that is in the grapes. There are several types of wine, Red Wine, White Wine, Rose Wine, Sparkling Wine, Sweet Wine, and fortified wine:

* Red Wine is a wine made from red grapes (red grapes). Some well-known types of red wine among wine drinkers in Indonesia are merlot, cabernet sauvignon, syrah / shiraz, and pinot noir.

* White Wine is wine made from white wine (white grape). Some kind of green wine popular among wine drinkers in Indonesia is the chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, Semillon, Riesling and chenin blanc.

* Rose Wine is a wine that pink or pink which is made from red grapes but with the color extraction process that is shorter than with Red Wine-making process. In the Champagne region, said Rose Wine refers to a mixture of White Wine and Red Wine.

* Sparkling Wine is a wine that contains quite a lot of bubbles of carbon dioxide in it. Sparkling Wine The most famous is the Champagne of France. Only Sparkling Wine made from grapes grown in the village of Champagne and Champagne is produced in the village who may be called and labeled Champagne.

* Sweet Wine is a wine that still contain lots of sugar remaining after fermentation (residual sugar) that make it taste becomes sweet.

* Wine is a fortified wine containing alcohol higher than ordinary wine (between 15% to 20.5%). High alcohol levels are the result of the addition of spirit in the manufacturing process.
Humans have been making wine since about five thousand years ago.

Wine is a beverage that is popular in many countries. Countries whose inhabitants drink the wine at most (using data for 2000) are: France, Italy, the United States, Germany, Spain, Argentina, United Kingdom, China, Russia, and Romania.

If the benchmark used is the rate per person or per capita, the list becomes: Luxembourg, France, Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Switzerland, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, and Slovenia.

Wine is made in many countries. Countries that make the largest wine (using data for 2000) are: France, Italy, Spain, the United States, Argentina, Germany, Australia, South Africa, Portugal, and Chile.

The only wine made in Indonesia that is made from local grapes are Hatten Wines with TWOislands trademark. (Wikipedia)

See also: sushi

burger king

Uniknya Soto Gebrak

Dinamakan Soto Gebraak karena gebrakan akan sering Anda dengar selama bersantap di sini. Gebrakan berasal dari botol besar yang dibanting pada kayu yang dilakukan peracik soto. Ini dilakukan bukan karena peracik soto sedang marah, tetapi itulah keunikannya yang membuat tempat ini terkenal. Suara gebrakan ini dapat mengagetkan pengunjung baru. Bahkan, bila ada pengunjung yang latah dapat membuat kehebohan karena suara gebrakan botol yang tiba-tiba dan mengagetkan.

Rumah makan ini terbilang sederhana, tapi ini tidak memadamkan kekuatan dari Soto Gebraak Cak Anton untuk menarik pengunjung. Memasuki tempat makan, Anda dapat memandang ke foto-foto yang dipampang. Foto-foto tersebut adalah foto antara pemilik "Soto Gebraak", yaitu Cak Anton, dengan para artis. Pada salah satu foto juga tampak Cak Anton sedang beraksi di televisi, dengan keahliannya yang mencoba meracik soto. Ada pula, slogan di tempat ini yang berbunyi "Senyum Boleh, Marah Jangan". Mungkin maksudnya agar pengunjung tidak marah mendengar suara gebrakan yang mengagetkan. Memang suara gebrakan ini dibuat sebagai ciri khas dari tempat makan ini.

Menu Soto Gebraak

Pada menu makanan yang diletakkan tiap meja, Anda dapat memilih jenis soto yang diinginkan. Ada soto daging, soto ayam, soto campur jeroaan, soto combi daging ayam (maksudnya campuran antara daging sapi dengan daging ayam). Sebagai pelengkap soto, ada pula berbagai jenis gorengan yang tersaji di atas meja makan, misalnya ada sate usus, sate telur, sate empal, telur asin, perkedel, emping. Untuk minuman, pilihannya adalah sofdrink, teh, aqua dan es jeruk.

Saat diantar oleh pelayan, Anda dapat melihat kuah soto yang berwarna kuning dan tidak menggunakan santan, merupakan ciri dari soto daerah Jawa Timur, tampaknya pemilik memang ingin menunjukkan budaya dan makanan khas nusantara asalnya. Kuah soto terasa bumbu-bumbunya dan juga menciptakan rasa kaldu yang kuat. Dagingnya empuk dan sangat cocok disantap bersama gorengan yang tersedia. Cak Anton juga memperhatikan keinginan pengunjung untuk menyantap soto dengan rasa yang nikmat, bukan hanya menawarkan sensasi.

Berkat kreatifitasnya dalam proses menyajikan soto yang unik. Soto Gebraak kini dapat dijumpai di beberapa cabang yang ada, yaitu di daerah Margonda, Tebet, Kalibata, BSD (Bumi Serpong Damai) dengan pusat di Taman Setiabudi. Anda penasaran? Coba saja mampir ke Soto Gebraak di alamat-alamat berikut dan bersiaplah untuk makan sambil kaget. (kumpulan.info)

Lihat juga : dim sum


Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Bone Satay that make us addict

Processed chicken is a favorite of many people. Not only is the meat are delicious but the bones can also be processed and have a wonderful flavor. As performed by Mr. Eddie, owner of the restaurant Eldorado, he processed meat around the chicken bones into a special dish called satay bone/ sate tulang.
Sate of bone is a typical food of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, which is made from chicken backs. Sections were cut and then seasoned with spices typical of Banjar. Rendamannya different seasoning with herbs satay in general are typically made of soy sauce only.

This bone-like spice satay chicken roasted with herbs and taste a little spicy. Flavor sate itself is a mixture of savory, sweet and spicy. Even when eaten bones feels softer than usual as dipresto. Satay is usually served with rice cake and smeared red spice. Taste seasoning is also a mixture of sweet and spicy.
Without these ingredients, actually sate bone was rich in flavor. Very pervasive in the chicken marinade, so it is fitting if you enjoy the "mengemutnya" a little, to feel special marinade.

In place to eat is not only a mainstay of bone sate. There are other sate that you should try like satay chicken, satay skin, brutu satay, satay claw, scallops satay, satay squid, shrimp satay, all prepared with ingredients typical of Banjar.

Besides satay are also available from other typical menu is soto Banjar. The aroma of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves are felt from the gravy hot. Soto contain small shredded chicken meat and then add meatball, boiled eggs, and diamond. It was very seasoned and fit enjoyed during the cold weather. Fit into dish selection weekend when the weather is often cloudy as it is now.

Sate Bone and Soto Banjar 'Eldorado'
Jl. Raya Kelapa Kopyor block M1 / 2
Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta
Food prices: Rp 16.000 - Rp 30,000
Prices drinks: Rp 1,000 - Rp 3,000
Phone: (021) 4530079
Hours: 09:00 to 18:00 (Petti Lubis, Mutia Nugraheni - VIVAnews)

See also: wine


Dim Sum untuk Dua Orang?

Yang belum menghabiskan sore malas di restoran Cina favorit mereka, menyeruput teh dan berpesta di berbagai macam makanan lezat yang tak terhitung membuat dim sum Cina? Secara harfiah berarti "untuk menyentuh hati Anda," dim sum terdiri dari berbagai macam kue, dikukus Goodies piring dan lainnya. Mereka adalah serupa dengan hors d'oeuvres, makanan lezat panas dan dingin disajikan di restoran Perancis.

Urutan Dim Sum
Jika Anda bisa browsing melalui menu, maka restoran yang menyajikan dim sum dalam gaya tradisional ini bukan untuk anda. Alih-alih memesan dari menu, Anda memilih dari bermacam-macam hidangan yang server push di sekitar gerobak. Meskipun mungkin tidak jelas dalam hiruk-pikuk gerobak bergulir oleh, ada urutan tertentu bagaimana dim sum disajikan: ringan, dikukus hidangan datang pertama kali, diikuti oleh barang-barang eksotik seperti kaki ayam, lalu piring goreng , dan akhirnya makanan penutup. Seorang teman bercerita bahwa Asia mulai dim sum dengan makanan goreng yang lebih berat sedikit mirip melayani nasi untuk makan malam sebagai program pertama.

Saat ini, sebagian besar restoran ditiadakan dengan sistem gerobak. Sebaliknya, ketika Anda pertama kali duduk pelayan akan menyerahkan menu Anda dan Anda menggunakan pensil untuk menandai item yang Anda inginkan dan jumlah pesanan. Makanan masih disajikan di meja di keranjang dandang untuk tetap hangat. Restoran yang terus menggunakan sistem gerobak tradisional, termasuk rantai restoran utama di Hong Kong, telah membuat titik penjualan.

Dim Sum Untuk Dua?
Jika Anda ingin memiliki makan siang romantis, maka sebuah restoran dim sum mungkin bukanlah pilihan terbaik. Pertama, suasana tidak kondusif untuk asmara, apa dengan gemerincing dari nampan, orang-orang memanggil pesanan mereka, dan kelompok besar orang berbicara di meja masing-masing. Selain itu, cara terbaik untuk menikmati dim sum adalah dengan kelompok; jika tidak, anda akan mengisi di beberapa item dan melewatkan kesempatan untuk semua sampel. Di sisi lain, Anda selalu dapat membawa pulang makanan sisa!

Untuk pemula, suasana berisik di restoran dim sum dapat mengambil sedikit membiasakan diri. Tapi itu cara yang bagus untuk sampel berbagai menarik selera dan rasa. Entah bagaimana brunch khas Minggu - dengan tarif standar telur, sosis, bacon dan hidangan lainnya - tidak bisa cocok dengan daya tarik kuliner dim sum Cina. (Rhonda Parkinson - chinese food)

Lihat juga: hanamasa


mendirikan sebuah bar es krim sundae

Jika si kecil Anda gila untuk ice cream, maka fitur ini menyenangkan akan menjadi permata mahkota partai. Lihat bagaimana membuat sebuah bar es krim sundae, dengan tips yang mudah dibersihkan.

Ice Cream Supplies Sundae Bar

Untuk membuat bar sundae, Anda dapat memiliki salah satu atau semua item berikut:

* Coklat - seperti M & Ms
* Permen - bergetah beruang suka dan jelly beans
* Mimi marshmallow
* Coklat dan taburan pelangi
* Coklat dan sirup karamel
* Whipped cream
* Karton coklat dan es krim vanila
* 1 pint sorbet buah
* Cheri ceri
es krim kerucut *
* Plastik mangkuk
* Sendok plastik
* Serbet
* Handuk kertas roll 1
* 1 kotak wetnaps
* Es krim sekop

Melayani sundae
Tepat sebelum Anda siap untuk makan, membawa keluar es krim dan sorbet tersebut. Saya ingin memberikan sorbet sebagai alternatif non-dairy. Sejajarkan kontainer dan memiliki tutup dihapus. Memiliki scooper siap untuk pergi. Sejajarkan whipped cream, dan ceri dan anda sudah siap. Menyiapkan sedangkan anak-anak tidak di daerah tersebut, mencegah selusin tangan kecil di es krim sebelum semuanya siap.

Tips untuk Melayani Anak
Sekarang sundae bar benar-benar datang bersama-sama. Pertama kerucut dan mangkuk, kemudian es krim, krim kocok, berbagai topping, maka persediaan pembersihan dan sampah. Mungkin mendapatkan dewasa atau dua untuk membantu dengan menyendoki es krim ke kerucut atau ke dalam mangkuk, sehingga anak-anak bisa mendapatkan hak ke dekorasi. Ambil mangkuk, masukkan beberapa es krim, kemudian atas dengan permen favorit Anda, sirup, whipped cream, dan cherry - ingat bahwa untuk kerucut beberapa taburan mungkin semua bisa terus.

Dan tentu saja, jangan lupa untuk membuat es krim untuk diri sendiri (Rachel Edelman - video about).

Lihat juga: hanamasa


Development of Direct Service, Dispensing Freezers for Non-Dairy Products

Ice cream undoubtedly evolved from iced beverages and fruit ices that were popular in early medieval periods, some of which probably contained milk or cream. The practice, in early times, of cooling drinks in ice and snow containing salt is a matter of record. It seems possible that in overcooling some of these punches, the "ice" was discovered. At any rate, various records of frozen fruit flavored ices have been found in European history and frozen ices are still more popular in continental Europe than in the United States and Canada.
No one has yet introduced a semi-frozen or frozen product made from a non-dairy mix that cannot be made in the average soft ice cream or milkshake dispensing freezer. However, most of these non-dairy products do require modification of the mix feed and temperature control systems, if the product is to be manufactured and served on an automatic basis.

The first machines specifically designed to handle these non-dairy mixes began to appear in quantity during the late 1950's. At that time, considerable interest developed in a product called "Slush," which was served in a liquid state, but at temperatures between 27 degrees F and 30 degrees F. This product was difficult to control automatically, which resulted in some of dispensing freezer manufacturers specifically designing machines to produce this slush product. Because of the special requirements for consistency control and automatic mix feed, they could only be used for slush-type products.

The demand for non-dairy products has increased over the past ten years, to the point where now, almost all manufacturers of dispensing freezers have models available, specifically for the production of Italian Ice, frozen orange juice, frozen carbonated beverages, etc.(sweden freezer)

See also : wine


Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Puasnya Makan di Hanamasa

Kemarin aku udah libur tapi kantor Benny belum libur jadi aku ikut Benny ke kantornya yg hanya buka setengah hari. Sebelum libur, kita mau makan2 bareng di Puri Indah Mall yang tentu saja ngga akan kulewatkan hehe. Setelah kantor tutup, jam 1 kita meluncur ke Puri Indah Mall untuk makan siang. Sesuai rencana, kita makan di Hanamasa. Ketika tiba di sana, ternyata tidak terlalu ramai. Hanya menunggu beberapa menit, kita udah dapet meja kosong.

Setelah duduk, kita langsung beredar mencari makanan. Ada 3 macam bagian makanan mentah: Robatayaki, Shabu2 dan Yakiniku. Di bagian Robatayaki, kita bisa memilih bahan2 mentah apa yg kita sukai untuk kemudian dipanggang di atas api oleh kokinya. Ada cumi, udang, sosis, aneka bakso dll. Bagian makanan shabu2 yaitu bahan makanan yg mau dibuat kuah2, ada aneka macam bakso, daging sapi, sayuran, tiram, sosis dll. Sedang makanan Yakiniku yaitu bahan makanan yg mau dipanggang diatas panggangan, ada daging sapi, ayam, sosis, ikan dll. Aku seperti biasanya selalu ke bagian Robatayaki duluan karena biasanya agak lama baru panggangannya dianter ke meja pemesan.

Kita semua makan dengan lahap dan habis2an sampe perut kenyang sekali. Bolak balik beberapa kali mengambil bahan makanan, dan minum pun sampe 3 gelas. Sampe buah dan dessert pun ngga dilewatkan hehe. Sayang sekali ngga ada ketela rebus kesukaanku yg biasanya pasti kuambil di Hanamasa tp kali ini ngga ada (habis). Ketela rebusnya disiram dengan santan kental, enak bangeeet!

Setelah sekitar 2 jam kita makan2 dengan ganas, akhirnya kita semua kekenyangan. Perut pun terasa kencang hehe. Setelah berfoto sebentar, kita berpisah. Aku dan Benny pulang duluan, sambil turun ke bawah menuju tempat parkir mobil aku sempat potret2 dekorasi natal yg ada di sana. Ada rumah2an dan pohon natal di panggung, dan ngga jauh dari situ ada stand jualan yg menjual berbagai macam barang. Dan juga ada digelar aneka macam barang dari Keris department Store di sisi yg lain.

Sekitar jam 16.00 sore kita sampe rumah dengan perut kenyang dan ngantuk sekali. Setelah istirahat dan mandi sore, jam 19.00 kita berangkat ke gereja mengikuti misa malam natal.(onikchan)

Lihat juga : burger king, ice cream

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Abuba Cipete

Ever hear the words Abuba? Yes, this is the place to eat steak in the Jakarta area. Abuba Steak - Steak House Typical Indonesia

This place is famous for its steak cheap and tasty. Price is relative here. but this place is very Good Value For Money.
You can try the meat from the Local, New Zealand, the U.S., until Wagyu. Each different meat taste and keempukkannya.
If you want to try to eat beef here, make sure you select at least in New Zealand. Why? because the Local is very hard. It is the cheapest local. But this could reduce your satisfaction in enjoying Steak.

In Abuba Steak, they also offer Wagyu beef. Meat is one of the world's most expensive meat. Some places that offer this meat will be sold at a price that is relatively expensive. Minimum 500k per serving. But in Abuba, they offer a cheap price of Rp 150.000 per serving. And the softness of flesh ... Steady. For this, you should try it at least once in your life.

Especially interesting? There is a secret when you order steak at a Steak House. Always the message your meat cooked medium. Under these conditions, the meat will provide the flavor and the most delicious juice from a piece of meat.

Steak Abuba available in some places like Cipete, Pluit, Serpong, Kelapa Gading, Gajah Mada. Good luck and write your comments about them here in order to share with others. (Tdwclub)

See also: sate, burger king

Sushi atau Sashimi?

"Sushi" secara umum mencakup beras dengan masing-masing sepotong ikan atau sayuran; satu order dari individu jenis sushi adalah dua buah pada beras - atau bahan yang digulung dengan padi di beberapa rumput laut. "Sashimi" hanya bahan (biasanya ikan), tanpa nasi sama sekali; satu order akan beberapa iris di piring terpisah, dan dapat melayani lebih besar (dan lebih mahal) dari satu urutan sushi - jadi berpikir tentang berbagi. Di bawah, di bagian saya Kosakata Sushi, ada detail lebih lanjut tentang jenis sushi ini dan lainnya, bagaimana mereka disusun, dan cara pemesanan mereka.

Sebagian besar jenis ikan dan kerang dapat dipesan baik cara - sushi atau sashimi, tetapi jelas "gulungan mewah" dengan beberapa bahan harus dibungkus dengan nasi. Saya sering memesan campuran keduanya sushi dan sashimi, karena saya ingin mencicipi beberapa hidangan sendirian. Di bawah ini Anda juga akan melihat daftar beberapa makanan yang dimasak dan campuran dari bahan baku yang memiliki presentasi khusus mereka sendiri - sering dalam mangkuk - yang mungkin tersedia di bar sushi AS. Watch apa yang orang lain sedang makan dan hanya bertanya "Bagaimana anda memesan itu?" Anda tidak sendirian di bar sushi, dan Anda dapat belajar banyak dengan cara observasi dan mengobrol dengan tetangga anda! Itu semua bagian dari menyenangkan makan Sushi a la Carte (johnson randy - ease)

Process of Wine Tasting

Judging color is the first step in tasting wine

There are five basic steps in tasting wine: color, swirl, smell, taste, and savor. These are also known as the "five S" steps: see, swirl, sniff, sip, savor. During this process, a taster must look for clarity, varietal character, integration, expressiveness, complexity, and connectedness.
A wine's color is better judged by putting it against a white background. The wine glass is put at an angle in order to see the colors. Colors can give the taster clues to the grape variety, and whether the wine was aged in wood.

Characteristics assessed during tasting
Varietal character describes how much a wine presents its inherent grape aromas. A wine taster also looks for integration, which is a state in which none of the components of the wine (acid, tannin, alcohol, etc.) is out of balance with the other components. When a wine is well balanced, the wine is said to have achieved a harmonious fusion.

Another important quality of the wine to look for is its expressiveness. Expressiveness is the quality the "wine possesses when its aromas and flavors are well-defined and clearly projected. The complexity of the wine is affected by many factors, one of which may be the multiplicity of its flavors. The connectedness of the wine, a rather abstract and difficult to ascertain quality, describes the bond between the wine and its land of origin (terroir).

Connoisseur wine tasting
A wine's quality can be judged by its bouquet and taste. The bouquet is the total aromatic experience of the wine. Assessing a wine's bouquet can also reveal faults such as cork taint, oxidation due to age, overexposure to oxygen, or lack of preservatives and wild yeast contamination due to Brettanomyces or acetobacter yeasts. Although low levels of Brettanomyces aromatic characteristics can be a positive attribute, giving the wine a distinctive character, generally it is considered a wine spoilage yeast.

The bouquet of wine is best revealed by gently swirling the wine in a wine glass to expose it to more oxygen and release more aromatic etheric, ester, and aldehyde molecules that comprise the essential components of a wine's bouquet. However, sparkling wine is not swirled, as this speeds the release of the bubbles.

Pausing to experience a wine's bouquet aids the wine taster in anticipating the wine's flavors. The "nose" of a wine - its bouquet or aroma - is the major determinate of perceived flavor in the mouth. Once inside the mouth, the aromatics are further liberated by exposure to body heat, and transferred retronasally to the olfactory receptor site. It is here that the complex taste experience characteristic of a wine actually commences.

Thoroughly tasting a wine involves perception of its array of taste and mouthfeel attributes, which involve the combination of textures, flavors, weight, and overall "structure". Following appreciation of its olfactory characteristics, the wine taster savors a wine by holding it in the mouth for a few seconds to saturate the taste buds. By pursing ones lips and breathing through that small opening oxygen will pass over the wine and release even more esters. When the wine is allowed to pass slowly through the mouth it presents the connoisseur with the fullest gustatory profile available to the human palate.

The acts of pausing and focusing through each step distinguishes wine tasting from simple quaffing. Through this process, the full array of aromatic molecules is captured and interpreted by approximately 15 million olfactory receptors, comprising a few hundred olfactory receptor classes. When tasting several wines in succession, however, key aspects of this fuller experience (length and finish, or aftertaste) must necessarily be sacrificed through expectoration.

Although taste qualities are known to be widely distributed throughout the oral cavity, the concept of an anatomical "tongue map" yet persists in the wine tasting arena, in which different tastes are believed to map to different areas of the tongue. A widely accepted example is the misperception that the tip of the tongue uniquely tells how sweet a wine is and the upper edges tell its acidity. (wikipedia)

See also : soto, sour sally

Wine and Cuisine

Blending wine with food is a matter of taste, not an exact science there is no one rule that could 100% guarantee that the wine you drink will fit in the pair with the food you order, for this, instinct and logic can be more powerful your guidance .

Let us prove, says wine Forget for a moment because this word often intimidate our minds, in fact, combine wine with food is the same as integrating other beverages with food, because we actually attach the taste, texture, and character of both,
For example, if you order a dish of plain rice with side dish rendang, chicken curry, and washed in abundant sauce plus a spicy condiment, what would you order to drink?

Certainly not bandrek, compote, milk or coffee, because, while enjoying food so rich in flavor our tongue will feel distraught when the beat such strong drinks, iced tea (sweet tea cold), ice lemon, or white water will be more comfortable in our tongue because it provides clean and tame the effects of seasoning - cooking seasoning is in the field, use logic. (Wineindonesia)

See also: sour sally, hanamasa

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Jenis Steak Daging Sapi

Berikut adalah beberap jenis steak daging sapi :
Chateaubriand steak
Biasanya disajikan untuk dua orang, pusat dipotong dari akhir besar tenderloin tersebut. Kadang-kadang sirloin atas ekstra tebal.Chuck steak
Sebuah dipotong dari leher ke tulang rusuk.Cube steak
Sebuah memotong daging, biasanya putaran atas, tenderized dengan sengit berdebar dengan palu atau pisau mekanis.File mignon
Sebuah dipotong dari ujung kecil tenderloin tersebut; dalam tender yang paling dan biasanya dipotong paling mahal menurut beratnya.Flap steak
Sebuah dipotong dari sirloin bawah.Sisi steak
Dari bawah. Tidak empuk seperti steak dipotong dari tulang rusuk atau pinggang.Flat iron steak
Sebuah dipotong dari bawah tulang belikat.Hanger steak atau (Perancis) onglet
Sebuah steak dari dekat pusat diafragma. Beraroma, dan sangat lembut terhadap tepi, tapi berotot di tengah. Sering disebut tenderloin tukang daging atau tergantung tender.Popeseye steak
Steak diiris tipis pantat, berasal di Skotlandia dan tersedia di Inggris.
Steak rib eye

    Sebuah steak tulang rusuk yang terdiri dari otot Longissimus dan spinalis atau tutup. Ini berasal dari tulang rusuk utama digunakan untuk membuat iga yang biasanya oven panggang sebagai lawan bakar seperti yang khas dengan mata tulang rusuk. Juga dikenal sebagai Steak Spencer.Round steak, steak pantat, atau (Perancis) rumsteak
Sebuah dipotong dari pantat binatang. Sebuah memanggang steak sejati dengan rasa yang baik meskipun bisa jadi sulit jika tidak dimasak dengan benar.Sirloin steak
steak Sebuah dipotong dari pinggul. Juga cenderung kurang tangguh, sehingga label harga yang lebih tinggi.Rok luar steak
steak yang dibuat dari diafragma. Sangat beraroma, tetapi juga agak sulit.Di dalam rok steak
Sebuah sirloin steak dari sisi atau bawah sama dalam penampilan tetapi lebih empuk dari luar.Strip steak
(Juga dikenal sebagai strip Kansas City, New York strip, dan Entrecôte), A cut steak berkualitas tinggi dari pinggang strip, otot yang relatif rendah di jaringan ikat, sehingga sangat lembut.T-bone steak dan kedai bir
Sebuah dipotong dari pinggang tenderloin dan strip, dihubungkan dengan tulang berbentuk T (lumbar vertebra). Keduanya dibedakan oleh ukuran tenderloin dalam memotong. T-tulang memiliki bagian tenderloin lebih kecil, sementara kedai bir - meskipun umumnya lebih kecil dalam strip - akan memiliki lebih tenderloin. T-bone steak dan kedai bir adalah salah satu steak yang paling mahal di menu karena ukuran porsi besar individu.Tri-tip steak / panggang
Juga dikenal sebagai Segitiga Steak, karena bentuknya, itu potongan tanpa tulang dari sirloin butt bawah.
Beberapa makanan lain disebut "steak" tanpa benar-benar menjadi steak:
Salisbury steak
Bukan steak, melainkan burger dari daging giling yang dibuat dengan bawang, biasanya remah-remah roti, dan kadang-kadang jamur. Juga dikenal sebagai "Hamburger Steak" atau "Minute Steak" (karena waktu memasak yang lebih pendek nya). Ini adalah yang paling murah "cut" dari steak, biasanya karena terbuat dari daging grade lebih rendah.Tartare Steak atau steak tartar
Cincang halus fillet baku daging sapi, bawang merah, peterseli, caper, saus panas (biasanya Worcestershire) dan telur mentah.

Lihat juga : wine, soto

Eating Steak in Meat Store

Another restaurant with a unique concept. Maybe all this you've never known a butcher shop in Pasar Santa Indoguna, South Jakarta. Without much Woro-Woro, Indoguna it also had a branch in Yogyakarta since two years ago. Even more special! Because, in the Yogyakarta branch of this, not only has a shop Indoguna meat and various processed foodstuffs, but also have a restaurant that - of course - featuring a steak as a main dish.

The restaurant was named R & B. The place is casual and cozy. We felt like at home patio overlooking beautiful landscaped gardens. Every night there's always live music that makes the atmosphere more warm. When last I went there, his band consists of a player piano, a beautiful violinist, and a sexy singer who display different numbers of soft jazz.

Prices steak was quite expensive for the size of Yogyakarta, but must be considered reasonable for the guests who came from Jakarta. In accordance with the Meat & groceries Indoguna reputation as a provider of imported meat quality with low prices, R & B Grill seems to follow the same pricing pattern.

Steak from the Australian Prime Black Angus can we get here with the price of Rp 135 thousand (350 gram T-Bone). As for the pieces of tenderloin beef imports from the U.S. worth USD 165 thousand. However, most guests would immediately order a ribeye, sirloin, or tenderloin of Wagyu are priced at USD 175-205 thousand. Wagyu beef cheap enough for grade 9.

Each serving steaks come with garlic bread jumbo-sized, choice of potato (mashed potato, French fries, wedges), and vegetables. A piece of herb butter melting on top of steak that looks juicy. Type sauce can also be chosen from: black pepper, mushroom, or barbeque.

For a lighter portion, the options are burgers (Giant USD 37 thousand, Wagyu USD 65 thousand), or a steak sandwich (USD 37 thousand). There are also various types of smoked turkey sandwich with the content, pastrami or smoked salmon. Special, a sandwich may be selected from various types, such as: Turkish, baguette, or focaccial.

If you are not the type who like meat, can be selected pasta (penne, fettucinne, fusilli, etc.) that can be cooked by Alfredo, pomodoro, bolognaise, basil pesto, or aglio-olio-Peperoncino. Admittedly, the standard R & B Grill is the equivalent of modern cafes in Jakarta and Bali that set international standards of presentation and flavor.

Judging from the number of guests who always enliven this place every night, it seems that R & B had been successfully met its own motto as "The Best Steak in Town". (Bondan Winarno - detikfood)

See also: sushi, soto

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Sejarah Carbenet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon adalah salah satu varietas yang paling dikenal di dunia red wine /  anggur merah. Hal ini tumbuh di hampir setiap negara penghasil anggur utama di antara beragam spektrum iklim dari Kanada Okanagan Valley untuk Lebanon Beqaa Valley. Cabernet Sauvignon menjadi yang diakui secara internasional melalui menonjol dalam anggur Bordeaux mana sering dicampur dengan Merlot dan Cabernet Franc. Dari Perancis, penyebaran anggur di Eropa dan Dunia Baru di mana ia menemukan rumah baru di tempat-tempat seperti California Napa Valley, Australia wilayah Coonawarra dan Chili Maipo Valley. Untuk sebagian besar dari abad ke-20, itu anggur anggur yang paling banyak ditanam premium di dunia merah sampai ia dikalahkan oleh Merlot pada 1990-an.

Walaupun terkenal di industri, anggur adalah varietas yang relatif baru, produk dari kesempatan persilangan antara Franc Cabernet Sauvignon blanc dan selama abad 17 di Perancis barat daya. Popularitasnya sering dikaitkan dengan kemudahan budidaya - anggur memiliki kulit tebal dan tanaman merambat yang kuat dan tahan terhadap busuk dan es - dan untuk presentasi yang konsisten struktur dan rasa yang mengekspresikan karakter khas ("typicity") varietas . Keakraban dan kemudahan pengucapan telah membantu menjual anggur Cabernet Sauvignon kepada konsumen, bahkan ketika dari daerah anggur asing. Its popularitas yang luas juga memberikan kontribusi terhadap kritik dari anggur sebagai "penjajah" yang mengambil alih wilayah anggur dengan mengorbankan varietas anggur asli.

Selama bertahun-tahun, asal-usul Cabernet Sauvignon tidak jelas dipahami dan banyak mitos dan dugaan mengelilinginya. Kata "Sauvignon" diyakini berasal dari Prancis sauvage berarti "liar" dan untuk merujuk kepada anggur menjadi anggur Vitis vinifera liar asli ke Perancis. Sampai saat ini anggur itu dikabarkan memiliki asal-usul kuno, bahkan mungkin menjadi anggur Biturica digunakan untuk membuat anggur kuno Romawi dan direferensikan oleh Pliny the Elder. Keyakinan ini diadakan secara luas pada abad ke-18, ketika anggur itu juga dikenal sebagai Petite Vidure atau Bidure, sepertinya korupsi Biturica. Ada juga kepercayaan bahwa Vidure adalah referensi ke kayu keras (Dure vigne Prancis) pokok anggur, dengan hubungan yang memungkinkan untuk Carménère yang dulu dikenal sebagai Grand Vidure. Teori lainnya adalah bahwa selentingan berasal di wilayah Rioja, Spanyol.

Sementara periode ketika nama Cabernet Sauvignon menjadi lebih menonjol selama Petite Vidure tidak tertentu, catatan menunjukkan bahwa anggur itu adalah penanaman Bordeaux populer di wilayah Médoc abad 18. Kebun pertama yang diketahui telah aktif tumbuh berbagai (dan kemungkinan sumber anggur Cabernet untuk perkebunan lainnya) Château Mouton dan Château d'Armailhac di Pauillac tersebut.

asal benar Buah anggur itu ditemukan pada akhir 1990-an dengan menggunakan DNA mengetik di UC Davis Departemen Vitikultur dan Enology, dengan memimpin tim oleh Dr Carole Meredith. Bukti DNA menentukan bahwa Cabernet Sauvignon adalah keturunan Franc Cabernet Sauvignon dan blanc dan kemungkinan besar kesempatan persimpangan yang terjadi di abad ke-17. Sebelum penemuan ini, asal ini telah diduga dari kesamaan nama anggur 'dan kenyataan bahwa Cabernet Sauvignon saham aroma yang sama dengan kedua-anggur seperti kismis hitam dan aroma kotak pensil dari Franc Cabernet dan grassiness dari Sauvignon blanc. (Wikipedia)

lihat juga: steak, sushi

Wine Region in Italy

Northwest Italy is the viticultural home for Barbera, but Italian immigrants spread it through much of the New World, where its acidity is valued in blended wines for the 'freshness' it imparts. Barbera is found in the northwestern part of Italy, particularly in Monferrato, and to a lesser extent further south. Nearly half of all grape vine plantings in Piedmont are Barbera. It likes the same conditions as Nebbiolo, but the latter is more profitable, fetching nearly twice, so is grown on the best sites.

The earlier-ripening Barbera is grown on the cooler lower slopes below the Nebbiolo, and other secondary locations. This explains why relatively little Barbera is grown around Alba, where the wines are entitled to the appellation Barbera d'Alba. Thus the best known Barbera is the DOCG of Barbera d'Asti. The Barbera del Monferrato DOC - which tends to be somewhat sparkling (frizzante) - is seldom exported.

Barbera came to Australia with cuttings imported from the University of California, Davis in the 1960s. It has been grown for ~25 years in the Mudgee region of New South Wales, with later plantings in a number of wine regions, including the King Valley in Victoria as well as the McLaren Vale and the Adelaide Hills regions in South Australia. John Gladstones, in his book Viticulture and Environment, includes Barbera in maturity group 5, which means that it will ripen at about the same time as Shiraz and Merlot, and that it should theoretically find a successful home in many Australian wine regions.

Barbera went to Argentina with Italian immigrants. It is quite widely grown, but is used mostly for blending. As in Argentina, Barbera was brought by Italian immigrants to Brazil.


As of 2000 there were 70,000 acres (28,300 hectares) of Barbera planted, making it the third most widely planted red grape variety in Italy. At its highpoint in the late 20th century, there were over 123,500 acres (50,000 ha) planted but fallout from the "Methanol scandal" of the 1980s and the lack of a driving worldwide market caused those numbers to decline. In the Piedmont region Barbera is widely grown in Asti and Monferrato regions. While there is no officially defined Classico region, like Chianti Classico, the region of the Asti province between the towns of Nizza Monferrato, Vinchio, Castelnuovo Calcea, Agliano, Belveglio and Rocchetta is considered among locals to be the "heart" of Barbera in Piedmont.

In 2001, the town of Nizza was officially recognized as a sub-region within the greater Barbera d'Asti DOC. Being one of the warmest areas in Asti, Nizza has the potential to produce the ripest Barbera with sugar levels to match some of the grape's high acidity. The wines of Barbera d'Asti tend to be bright in color and elegant while Barbera d'Alba tend to have a deep color with more intense, powerful fruit. In the Alba region many of the best vineyard sites are dedicated to Nebbiolo with Barbera relegated to secondary location, which limits the quality and quantities of the wines labeled with the Barbera d'Alba DOC.

In the Monferrato DOC, Barbera is blended with up to 15% Freisa, Grignolino and Docletto and can be slightly sparkling.

Outside of Piedmont Barbera is found throughout Italy, often as a component in mass vino da tavola blends. In the Lombardy region, it is seen as a varietal in Oltrepò Pavese with wines that range from slightly spritzy to semi-sparkling frizzante. Elsewhere in Lombardy it is blended with Croatina and as part of a larger blend component in the red wines of Franciacorta. Southeast of Piedmont, Barbera is found in Emilia-Romagna in the hills between Piacenza, Bologna and Parma. As in Lombardy, Barbera is often softened by blending with the lighter Croatina as it is in the Val Tidone region for the DOC wine of Gutturnio.

In Sardinia, the grape is used around Cagliari in the wine known as Barbera Sarda and in Sicily, the grape is used in various blends under the names Perricone or Pignatello made near Agrigento. Barbera was an important grape in re-establishing the wine industry of the Apulia and Campania regions following World War II due to its high yields and easy adaption to mechanical harvesting. Today it is a permitted variety to be blended with Aglianico in the Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) wine of Taurasi though it is rarely used.(wikipedia)

See also : steak, dim sum

Offal Soto Triggers Gout

Gout arthritis is not life-threatening. But if the disease caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood had a chance to attack, people with disabilities can experience hand and foot joints. In order not to teridap, soto innards and his friends need to be avoided.

Midnight Blue was suddenly awakened. Because of garanya his right big toe joint pain and stiffness. The skin over the joints appeared swollen redness. First-time youth are in their 20s feel that way about her experience.
From the results of blood tests were known, the blood uric acid levels increased to 9 mg%. Normally, uric acid levels less than 7 mg%. Investigate the culprits turned out to have calibaration kedoyanan Iwan on foods containing high levels of purine, such as beef offal soup, lamb satay, fried lungs, etc.. Type of food as it is easy to increase levels of uric acid in the blood. In the end, Iwan also suffered from the interruption, which in medicine is called gout arthritis.

Uric acid or uric acid is an end nucleic acid or purine metabolism of substances (one of the elements of protein) in the cell body. Uric acid is carried to the kidneys via the bloodstream to be issued with urine. Healthy kidneys will regulate uric acid levels in the blood to keep it within normal levels. However, excessive uric acid will not be collected and processed entirely by the body. The advantages that eventually accumulate in the joints and tissues.

Uric acid, in limited numbers, are also produced from digested food. These acids via colon bacteria will be destroyed to be removed with a chemical that stool.

Excessive production of uric acid (hyperuricaemia) at high risk of several disorders such as arthritis gout, kidney stones, kidney damage and high blood pressure. Disorders gout arthritis is one type of arthritis (no more than 150 types of arthritis). Metabolic disorder is mostly attacking the joints or a single peripheral.

cacatGejala acute pain and stiffness to first attack the joints of my toes (bunion joint) to the other fingers. On stage further, can be up to his ankles, knees, elbows, and other small joints of the hands. Torment of pain and swelling are often causing the patient is difficult to walk. In fact, sometimes accompanied by fever and inflammation in the area of swollen joints was hot. Suffering may last 24-36 hours. In fact, could be much longer depending on the severity of inflammation.

However, acute attacks of gout arthritis does not always have to be in a state of high uric acid. Fluctuating levels of uric acid that tends to fall-rise, also can cause acute attacks. For example, a person with normal uric acid levels can be affected by an acute attack several hours after eating a bowl of soup beef offal. You see, this soup cause uric acid levels rise abruptly. Conversely, a person with high uric acid levels can have an acute attack if a diet is too strict or uric acid-lowering medication (allopurinol) high dose. A strict diet or consumption of these drugs cause uric acid levels dropped dramatically (below 5 mg%).

"Most appropriate, uric acid levels are not reduced dramatically, but slowly," said dr. Caecilia R. Padang, Ph.D., FACR, Rheumatology consultant from the Center for Rheumatic Indonesia, Jakarta. After the first attack, suggestions Caecilia, uric acid levels should continue to be monitored. If it gets a second attack, subsequent acute attacks would be more likely to occur, even prolonged and chronic.

Apart from food, alcohol (including tape and palm wine), and certain drugs such as medication is high blood pressure diuretic (increase urine production and mineral), or a small dose of aspirin in the long term to prevent heart attacks, could be inflated levels uric acid. "Indeed, both types of drugs are often a trigger in patients with gout potential. However, this rarely occurs in individuals who do not have the talent gout," said Caecilia, who obtained his doctorate in Australia.
Do not delay

Caecilia added, if uric acid levels in the blood for too long is left on top of 7 mg%, monosodium uric crystals (MSU) will accumulate in the joints and tissues. Collection of these crystals eventually form a lump under the skin, which then form tophi. When the MSU crystal deposition occurs in the kidneys, can cause kidney stones, can even damage the kidney tissue, which is feared will lead to kidney failure.

To reduce the risk of renal impairment, in addition to uric acid levels continue to be monitored and treated, it is recommended that patients drink lots of water (1-2 l per day or 3-4 l in summer). Color and clear urine can be to assess whether or not enough water consumption. Especially when I wake in the morning, the first urine color usually older and less clear. After that, the color of urine should be clear.

Tophi have different sizes. Small or microtophi only be seen through a microscope. Large easily seen and felt. Tophi a growing cause of disability: joint protruding legs or hands and become stiff.

In order not to become tophi, suggestions Caecilia, gout sufferers should continue to monitor the disease. First of all to eliminate inflammation, given anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or colchicine which has been known for more than 1,500 years to treat inflammation. These drugs show results within two days. Furthermore, given uric acid lowering drugs allopurinol and probenecid for 6 months - 2 years in limited doses. Tophi severe need of treatment for five years or more. There are times when patients are advised to drink the blood uric acid-lowering drugs for life if acute gout attacks occur more than five times a year. Or, the patient has suffered or is suffering from tophi and kidney stones.

Caecilia reminder for gout arthritis sufferers do not ever try to treat themselves by buying OTC drugs without a prescription. "Many cases are fatal because of too often take painkillers or eliminating inflammation," he said.

With allopurinol, the patient can not be cured in one treatment. Often still accompanied by acute attacks several times. You see, after the uric crystals in the joints is sucked out, still continued depletion of uric crystals that accumulate in tissues. This can cause arthritis back due to the release of foreign objects. "Often people stop drinking when the attack remains allupurinol arise after drinking a few times. They think the drug is no usefulness," said dr. Caecilia. "So now the drug is combined with drugs to prevent attacks until stable levels of uric acid."

Corticosteroid drugs like prednisone or prednisdolone also often used to treat gout arthritis. However, this drug is not recommended for long-term treatment.
More men

In Indonesia, the disease gout arthritis was first investigated by a Dutch doctor, dr. van den Horst, in 1935. At that time, he found 15 cases of severe gout in underprivileged communities in Java. The results in 1988 by dr. John Darmawan at Bandungan, Central Java, shows, among 4683 people aged 15-45 years are studied, 0.8% suffering from high uric acid (1.7% of men and 0.05% of women among them has reached the stage of gout .)

Early in the 90's, Prof.. Dr. E. Tehupedori has examined the possibility of differences in uric acid levels in certain ethnic longer significant. Apparently not! However found, 50% of people in town came for a treatment after 6.5 years suffering from gout, even 7-9 years later when the situation is more severe (suffering from gout tophikronik).

Caecilia himself had examined his homeland, North Sulawesi, where the risk factors for gout arthritis is quite high, especially in rural areas. Once the "familiar" of his people in there with this disease so that gout arthritis is considered a hereditary disease. "As a result, they are less ignored the early symptoms and the average new treatment came after suffering disability due to chronic gout tophi," he said. Though the main risk factors, according to medical experts this rheumatic disease, most likely from their diets daily familial.

Also revealed, in Indonesia suffered gout arthritis at earlier age than in Western countries. In Indonesia 32% of gout attacks occur in men under 34 years of age. While abroad on average suffered by men above that age.

In those who drank alcohol every day of the traditional (wine or tape), by Caecilia, gout risk factor to 50%. In those who drink alcohol more than once a week 40% risk factor. Similarly, their daily habits to eat seafood (shrimp, crab, oysters, mussels), offal, thick broth (soup), meat dogs, bats, and goats.
Families that have a positive history of gout, according Caecilia, 60% of family members affected by gout attacks, and nearly 47.4% of them men. Obese men have a higher tendency than the lean. In contrast, fewer suffered gout in children or women under the age of menopause.

Gout disease is often accompanied by high blood pressure (22%) and kidney stones (13%). At times, gout is also a trigger of coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus or diabetes. Approximately 86% of renal impairment was found in patients with gout arthritis in Minahasa. However, it is not clear whether the kidney disorder causing elevated uric acid levels or vice versa. It should also be tested whether high blood pressure is difficult to go down was also related to renal factors. Thus, the occurrence of risk factors for gout arthritis can be a family history, diet, obesity, and kidney disorders.

It is time for education about prevention and treatment of gout arthritis disseminated to the rural corners. "Power paramedical health centers can help provide an explanation about the disease and follow up, either from diet or treatment," said Caecilia. "Information by using the booklet seems to have not been caught, and uric acid-lowering drugs was not disseminated to the health center."

If the first gout arthritis disease only affects men say the middle class and above, recent research shows, the disease knows no class.

Once caught the disease, one must pay attention to life imprisonment. By studying the history of family illness, manage your diet, be diligent to control and treat regularly, arthritis, gout will experience a period of remission. That is, if uric acid is maintained at normal levels, gout attacks should not be repeated again. (susukolostrum)

See also: sushi, wine

Kunjungan Murid SD Ke Pabrik Campina

Ini adalah kunjungan dari SDI Hasyim Asy'ari JL.Bratang Gede Surabaya,ke PT.Campina Ice Cream Industry Surabaya.

Pada saat kunjungan ke PT.Campina,siswa diberikan pengetahuan tentang Ice cream secara umum, kemudian diajak ke ruang produksi untuk bisa melihat langsung proses produksi ice cream Campina,setelah itu kita ajak ke ruang penyimpanan produk ice cream, yang mana suhu ruangan tersebut sangat dingin sekali.

Dari sini biasanya siswa/i yang berkunjung sangat antusias dan senang, menurut siswa/i yang sudah berkunjung, ini adalah pengalaman pertama mereka yang tidak akan pernah dilupakan.....dan sesuatu yang sangat terkesan dan seru, karena siswa/i ditantang untuk bisa menahan suhu dingin hingga mencapai suhu -20 sampai -30 C.

Setelah dari ruang penyimpanan, langsung kita ajak ke ruangan Avatar untuk santai sejenak sambil menikmati lezatnya Ice Cream Campina.

Nah Ayo buruan...... daftar segera untuk bisa berkunjung ke Pabriknya Campina,informasi ini bisa disampaikan ke sekolah kalian, bisa menghubungi : Kak Aryo 031-8432247 atau 081 231 341 07. (website campina)

Lihat juga : sate, sushi

Sate Maranggi Khas Purwakarta

Sate Maranggi adalah sate khas Purwakarta, Jawa Barat biasanya terbuat dari daging kambing atau daging sapi. Namun ada juga yang berpendapat bahwa sate maranggi berasal dari Cianjur.

Penjaja sate maranggi dapat ditemukan hampir di setiap sudut Purwakarta, sebagian menajajakan dengan cara berkeliling. Yang membedakan sate maranggi dengan sate lainnya adalah bumbunya terbuat dari kecap yang memiliki cita rasa paduan manis, asam, dan pedas yang menyentuh lidah kala menikmati sate berbumbu khas ini. Paduan rasa yang menggoda selera ini muncul karena bumbu sate maranggi terbuat dari kecap, sambal cabai hijau ditambah sedikit cuka lahang (cuka yang terbuat dari tebu). Saat disajikan, bumbu kecap itu dilengkapi dengan irisan bawang merah dan tomat segar.

Biasanya sate maranggi dihidang dengan ketan bakar atau nasi timbel.

Sate Maranggi juga disukai oleh banyak orang karena rasanya yang enak dan khas. Sate ini sebaiknya dikonsumsi ketika masih hangat, karena kalau sudah dingin rasanya sudah tidak begitu enak. (wikipedia)

Lihat juga : sushi, burger king

21 Fakta Menarik Tentang Es Krim

SIAPA orang yang tidak suka ice cream? Es krim atau "ice cream" adalah penganan lezat yang disukai oleh hampir semua orang dari berbagai kalangan dan berbagai usia. Akan tetapi, tahukah kamu, selain perbedaan rasa yang tersedia ada fakta-fakta menarik tentang es krim yang mungkin belum kita tahu.

1. Bentuk awal es krim diyakini sudah ditemukan di China pada 200 SM.

2. Kaisar Nero dari Kekaisaran Romawi memerintahkan budaknya ke pegunungan untuk mengumpulkan salju dan es untuk membuat es krim yang dicampur degan perasa tertentu selama abad pertama.

3. Untuk membuat satu galon es krim, dibutuhkan dua belas galon susu.

4. Tulisan tentang es krim pertama kali berbentuk surat yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat sekitar tahun 1700-an. Dalam surat ini, disebutkan tentang pesta yang diselenggarakan oleh Gubernur Maryland. Dalam pesta ini, es krim dihidangkan dan hadir sebagai tamu, George Washington.

5. Dalam satu kerucut es krim, kita membutuhkan 50 jilatan untuk menghabiskannya.

6. Toko es krim pertama di Amerika, dibuka di New York City pada tahun 1776.

7. Topping es krim yang paling disukai adalah sirup cokelat.

8. Amerika adalah negara yang mengembangkan es krim home-made pertama kali setelah freezer diciptakan pada tahun 1845.

9. Orang Amerika adalah konsumen terbesar es krim dengan jumlah mencapai 23 liter per orang per tahun. Yang kedua terbesar adalah Australia dengan kisaran 18 liter per orang per tahun.

10. Pada tahun 1924, masing-masing orang Amerika makan rata-rata 8 liter es krim per tahun. Pada 1997, angka itu meningkat menjadi 48 liter per tahun.

11. Pemakan es krim Amerika mayoritas bukan berasal dari dari negara-negara dengan iklim panas. Survei yang dilakukan di tahun 1999 menunjukkan orang Ohama, Nebraska makan es krim lebih dari Amerika lainnya.

12. Rasa es krim paling favorit di Amerika adalah vanilla.

13. Es krim sundae terbesar menurut Guinness World Book of Records dibuat pada tahun 1988 di Alberta, Kanada dengan berat 55.000.

14. Es krim berbentuk lolipop dan bar pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 1920.

15. Es krim dengan bentuk kerucut es krim ditemukan pada tahun 1896 oleh vendor es krim di New York City. Bentuk ini kemudian dipatenkan pada tahun 1903.

16. Di Ellis Island, es krim dihidangkan sebagai bagian dari makanan menyambut imigran.

17. Air adalah bahan yang penyusun yang sangat penting dalam es krim seperti yang diperlukan untuk menjaga es krim lembut.

18. Satu dari setiap lima pecinta es krim memberikan es krim untuk hewan peliharaan mereka.

19. Presiden Ronald Reagan menetapkan bulan Juli sebagai bulan es krim nasional di Amerika Serikat.

20. Amerika Serikat menghasilkan 800 juta galon es krim setiap tahun.

21. Rasa yang paling favorit bagi es krim dengan bentuk loli adalah rasa ceri.

22. California, Indiana, Ohio, Texas dan New York adalah lima negara yang memproduksi es krim.

23. Pada tahun 2002, es krim terbesar dengan bentuk piramida dibuat. Es krim ini terdiri dari setidaknya 3000 sekop es krim dengan berat lebih dari 1000 pound.

24. Sebelum mesin pendingin diciptakan, es krim adalah sebuah makanan mewah disediakan untuk acara-acara khusus.

25.Orang pertama untuk memproduksi es krim dalam skala besar adalah Yakub Fussell dari Baltimore, Maryland. (id.openrice)

Lihat juga : sushi, steak

How To Drink Wine

Want to know how to drink wine? Well that's easy--just fill your glass, open up wide, and toss it back--and don't forget to have a bottle of aspirin on hand for the next morning! Any other questions?

Oh, you want to get your nose in it, huh? All right then, listen up, because there are things to know about maximizing your tasting experience so you need a guide for wine tasting. Of course, the first thing you need to do is get a decent wine. If you want to find something a little more upscale than that $4.00 box of wine but don't want to spend $200/bottle, check out Fool-Proof Wine Values.

Here is some basic wine information for learning how to drink wine:

1. See that you've appropriately prepped your wine so that it is the proper temperature for drinking. There are varying opinions as to what that temperature is for drinking wine, but here's a good rule of thumb: If it's white, chill it in the fridge for at least an hour before serving, but if it's red, serve it at room temperature (unless the temperature of the room is above 70 degrees--in that case, chill it slightly, and invest in an air conditioner).

2. Make sure that, along with your bottle of choice, you also have a decent wine bottle opener--corks can be stubborn. And remember, if you're removing the foil seal from a particularly old bottle of wine, it's a good idea to wipe off the top of the bottle to remove any lead residue.

3. Inspect the cork for any mold or discoloration. If you find any, just make sure it doesn't continue down into the bottle--if it appears to stop at the top, simply wipe it off and proceed.

4. Once you have removed the cork from the bottle, sniff it. Yes, I'm serious, and no, this step won't invoke that fuzzy, lightheaded feeling--you're smelling the cork to detect any unpleasant aromas that may indicate spoilage.how to drink wine

5. If your drink of choice contains any sediment, you'll need to decant it. In English, this simply means to pour it into another container through cheesecloth, wire mesh, or coffee filters to remove the offending grit.

6. Pour yourself a healthy glass, and let it stand or "breathe" for a moment, to allow the complexity of the flavors to come through. Depending on what you're drinking, you may want to let it breathe for a bit longer--try an hour for young reds, and 2-3 hours for old, fine reds.

7. Deeply inhale the scent of your wine, as a good portion of what we perceive as "taste" for drinking wine is really determined by smell.

8. Take a sip and hold it in your mouth for a moment, noticing the different flavors you detect.

9. This is the best of the wine tasting tips... Drink up!

Hopefully this basic wine information has provided you with a guide for wine tasting along with some wine tasting tips to help you discover the enjoyment of a good glass of wine. (howtodothings)

See also : soto, ice cream

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Sour Sally in Medan

Sour Sally is no stranger among the community of facebook and twitter. These foods do not contain fat so consumed fit anyone.

This American-style food with typical Indonesian brand is present on the Lower Ground Floor Sun Plaza Medan, where the name Sour Sally Frozen Yougart.
Sour Sally is available in three flavor yougart the plain, original and pinklicious. Basic ingredients of fruit and yougart.

Fabian Prasetya, Public Relations Executive Sour Sally Frozen Yougart say, consume yougart has now become a new trend that is booming worldwide.
According to him, as long as this is usually where the casual diner dominated Coffee Shop and Cafe. However, such dominance has begun to be broken by Frozen Yougart outlets.

"Frozen Yougart become more attractive, because other than it felt refreshing but frozen yougart also presented with a variety of unique toppings. Besides it tastes good, too many of yougart properties that are beneficial to our health, "he said.

President Director Sour Sally, Donny Pramono, said they were proud and pleased with the attendance Sour Sally in Medan. He told me, originally Sour Sally starts from a small booth at two years ago, in one of the malls in Jakarta, which is famous for its phenomenal queue. But in the age of two years still Sour Sally was able to expand to the island of Sumatra and present the first time at Sun Plaza Medan.

"I am very proud and happy to finally Sour Sally can answer a request from Sally Sour lovers who have waited impatiently in the presence of Sour Sally Field," Donny said Pramod.
Pramod further said the city of Medan as one of the big cities in Indonesia, so he hopes Sour Sally can succeed in bringing healthful Sour Sally fever is in other big cities in Indonesia.

"Medan merupkan otlet to-26 Sour Sally who has been for 2 years continues to provide the best for the fans. Medan is the first outlet on the island of Sumatra, where 17 outlets spread across Jakarta, 3 outlets in Bandung, 3 outlets in Surabaya and 2 in the island of Gods, Bali, "he explained again. (Hariansumutpos)

See also: sate, sushi

Yoghurt Sebagai Panganan Sehat

Penganan sehat kini menjadi pilihan untuk gaya hidup sehat. Salah satu penganan sehat yang diincar adalah frozen yogurt (fro-yo) buatan Sour Sally. Sour Sally Fro-Yo diolah dari susu fermentasi dengan kualitas terbaik dari Amerika Serikat.

Fro-Yo ini tersedia dalam empat rasa, plain original, green tea, pinklicious, dan melon mint. Buah-buahan yang digunakan sebagai topping pun memanfaatkan buah segar tanpa bahan pengawet. Rasa yang unik karena perpaduan asam-manis yang segar sangat pas, segar, ringan dan thrilling membuat orang ingin terus mencoba.

Rasa Sour Sally Fro-Yo ini juga tidak membuat eneg.Sour Sally pertama kali di buka di Senayan City, Jakarta, 15 Mei 2008. Antrian luar biasa di outlet pertama ini menandakan revolusi baru gaya hidup di Indonesia, penganan menyehatan berujung gaya hidup.

Sour Sally selain bisa membuat antrian panjang juga berhasil menggandeng dua film box office Sony Pictures International, “Pink Panther 2 The Movie” dan “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatbals”.

Donny Pramono Ie, founder dan owner Sour Sally Frozen Yogurt mengaku bangga karena brand yang ia ciptakan itu berhasil menggandeng dua film box office.

Kehadiran Sour Sally juga menjadi pelopor fro-yo membawa dampak healty lifestyle habit.Sour Sally kini sudah hadir di Bali Mall Galeria (sejak November 2009) dan Discover di Bali.

“Kami ingin melayani penggemar yogurt sekaligus yang ingin menikmati gaya hidup sehat. Kehadiran kami di Bali juga sebagai wujud komitmen untuk selalu dekat dengan para sahabat,” ujar Donny. (beritabali)

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Persaingan antar Burger

Ini mungkin aneh untuk membandingkan hamburger ketika Anda berpikir tentang semua hal yang lebih penting yang bisa dibandingkan. Tapi seperti kita semua tahu industri makanan cepat saji di Amerika adalah sebuah pembangkit tenaga listrik. Beberapa industri makanan cepat saji adalah McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, dan beberapa lainnya.

Raksasa makanan cepat menghabiskan jutaan iklan produk berusaha meyakinkan massa bahwa mereka memiliki burger lebih baik atau kentang goreng rasa lebih baik. Kita semua tahu bahwa kita telah pada satu waktu atau yang lain masuk ke perdebatan yang sangat tidak intelektual dengan seorang teman untuk mencicipi makanan cepat saji yang lebih baik. Jadi saya berangkat untuk menyelesaikan kontroversi ini sekali dan untuk semua. Ini akan menjadi yang pertama dalam tiga artikel produk perbandingan yang akan berusaha untuk mahkota raja sejati burger.

Ini mungkin aneh untuk membandingkan hamburger ketika Anda berpikir tentang semua hal yang lebih penting yang bisa dibandingkan. Tapi seperti kita semua tahu industri makanan cepat saji di Amerika adalah sebuah pembangkit tenaga listrik. Raksasa makanan cepat menghabiskan jutaan iklan produk berusaha meyakinkan massa bahwa mereka memiliki burger lebih baik atau kentang goreng rasa lebih baik.

Kita semua tahu bahwa kita telah pada satu waktu atau yang lain masuk ke perdebatan yang sangat tidak intelektual dengan seorang teman untuk mencicipi makanan cepat saji yang lebih baik. Jadi saya berangkat untuk menyelesaikan kontroversi ini sekali dan untuk semua. Ini akan menjadi yang pertama dalam tiga artikel produk perbandingan yang akan berusaha untuk mahkota raja sejati burger.

Burger King dan McDonald's diragukan lagi bobot berat dari industri makanan cepat baik yang mengkhususkan diri dalam hamburger. Tapi yang lebih baik? Opini bervariasi dengan masing-masing konsumen sehingga untuk datang dengan jawaban yang saya pikir saya akan melakukan penelitian lapangan. Aku mengambil perjalanan ke kedua McDonald lokal dan raja Burger dan memerintahkan "Burgers khusus" masing-masing restoran. Yaitu Big Mac dari McDonald's dan Burger Whopper dari raja.

Aku mencicipi baik sandwich dan satu segera terjebak kepada saya sebagai pemenang yang jelas antara keduanya. Tapi sebelum saya mengumumkan favorit pribadi saya saya merasa lebih baik untuk memberikan beberapa statistik pada para pesaing.

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Franchise Burger King

When Burger King Corporation began franchising in 1959, it relied on a regional franchising model where franchisees would purchase the right to open stores within a defined geographic region. These franchise agreements granted BKC very little oversight control over its franchisees and resulted in issues of product quality control, store image and design and operations procedures.

This model remained in place until 1978 when the company hired McDonald's executive Donald N. Smith to help revamp the company. Smith initiated a restructuring of all future franchising agreements, disallowing new owners from living more than one hour from their restaurants, preventing corporations from owning franchises and prohibiting franchisees from operating other chains. This new policy effectively limited the size of franchisees and prevented larger franchises from challenging Burger King Corporation as Chart House had. Smith also sought to have BKC be the primary owner of new locations and rent or lease the restaurants to its franchises. This policy would allow the company to take over the operations of failing stores or evict those owners who would not conform to the company guidelines and policies.

However, by 1988 BKC parent Pillsbury had relaxed many of Smith's changes, scaled back on construction of new locations and stalled growth. Neglect of Burger King by new owner Grand Met, and its successor Diageo, further hurt the standing of the brand, causing yet more financial damage to BK franchises.

By 2001 and after nearly eighteen years of stagnant growth, many of the franchises were in some sort of financial distress. The lack of growth severely impacted BKC's largest franchise, the nearly 400 store AmeriKing; by 2001 the company, which until this point had been struggling under a nearly $300 million debt load and been shedding store across the US, was forced to enter Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The failure of AmeriKing deeply affected the value of BKC, and put negotiations between Diaego and the TPC Capital-lead group on hold. The developments eventually forced Diaego to lower the total selling price of BKC by almost three quarters of a billion dollars.

After the sale, newly appointed CEO Bradley Blum initiated a program to help roughly 20% of its franchises, including its four largest, who were in financial distress, bankruptcy or had ceased operations altogether.[40] Partnering with the California-based Trinity Capital, LLC, the company established the Franchisee Financial Restructuring Initiative, a program to address the financial issues facing BK's financially distressed franchisees. The initiative was designed to assist franchisees in restructuring their businesses in order to meet financial obligations, focus on restaurant operational excellence, reinvest in their operations and return to profitability.

Individual owners took advantage of the AmeriKing failure; one of BK's regional owners, Miami-based Al Cabrera, purchased 130 stores located primarily in the Chicago and the upper mid-west region, from the failed company for a price of $16 million, approximately 88% of their original value. The new company, which started out as Core Value Partners and eventually became Heartland Foods, also purchased 120 additional stores from distressed owners and revamped them. The resulting purchases made Mr. Cabrerra BKB's largest minority franchisee and Heartland one of BKH's top franchises.

By 2006, the company was valued at over $150 million, and was sold to New York–based GSO Capital Partners. Other purchasers included a three way group of NFL athletes Kevin Faulk, Marcus Allen and Michael Strahan who collectively purchased 17 stores in the cities of Norfolk and Richmond, Virginia; and Cincinnati-based franchisee Dave Devoy, who purchased 32 AmeriKing stores. After investing in new decor, equipment and staff retraining, many of the formerly failing stores have shown growth upwards of 20%.

Burger King has a longstanding presence at U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force installations worldwide, dating back to the 1980s under a contract with Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Today, while other chains such as Taco Bell, Popeye's, and Subway have a presence on military bases, virtually every major Army and Air Force installation hosts a BK restaurant. (wikipedia)

See also : dim sum, hanamasa